I just finished Gabriel Garcia Marquez One Hundred Years of Solitude. I absolutely love it, it’s my kind of book, a fever dream in which decades pass like minutes with a story that invokes a deeply hidden sense of wonder. And then I got to the end and I just feel completely empty from a literary journey that felt so real.

I was hoping ya’ll could suggest me a book to fill the void left behind.


  • ksarlathotepB
    10 months ago

    Well the other Garcia Marquez books are a good place to start. I really enjoyed Love In The Time Of Cholera.

    But if you’re looking for something by a different author, I’d recommend Isabel Allende. Start with her first work, The House Of The Spirits. It has the same sort of scale, the same tenuous realism, the same breadth of characters and personalities, the same subtle poetry to the writing itself, and it’s comparable in size.