I’m a career best Gold 4 with a .9 KD and even when I duo queue with a career best bronze 1 I’m still consistently matched with diamond and high emerald players. How am I supposed to get better at this game if I’m consistently out matched by an outrageous degree?

  • ProfessionalAd4684B
    11 months ago

    So the ranked 2.0 isn’t the issue because you’re rank is a reward system where the hidden. Mmr is just ranked 1.0, so those Champs could be in low gold and you as well could be bc its based on win or loss ratio, so they win 50 games and lose 25, and you won 100 games and lost 50, you would match with them. Plus the 5 stack Era is this new ranked because you can play with anyone. It’s not the game or the mode it’s the playstyle, it’s teaching adapting to everyone but 5 snacks are hard to beat. So I’d say learn from the games. And don’t try to believe in your team bc it’s tdm meta.