Usually when you sign a contract, it’s expected you fulfill the agreement you signed, not “hold out” when you still have a year left on said contract.
At least, that’s how it works everywhere in the *real* world.
But at least YOU got paid. You’re completely useless, but at least you have a lot of money.
You’re not helping the team win, but at least you have a lot of money.
You have less than half a sack per game, but at least you have a lot of money.
In the real world, you’d be fired for lack of performance.
But at least you have a lot of money.
He wasn’t the main DE losing the edge was he? Thought it was the other side mainly but too hard to remember all the details. I don’t get paid to review tape lol.
I recall him getting pinned twice in the 4th qtr. Point is, he’s played the position well this yr, he’s just been half a step away from eating QBs.