Analysing my own recent games, all the matches wich I play mid and lose, we lost because supports are making a lot of mess like they dont really understand the position (ofc including some griefings, but is not the point here).

You can play turbo if you dont want to do standard support actions, you can even play carry because these days we have much less smurfs (still some but, I guess 90% of smurfs are out now, that is why I play mid sometimes, but I am main pos4 and understand both positions well).

I wont be long, basically is this, but I know there is a lot of people who dont use reddit, so I ask to you my anonymo friend dude, tell your buddies to not play sup if they dont want or if they dont understand what the position does.

lets try make everybody have some fun.


Edit PS1: before anyone ask for, i will not share my dotabuff just because I want some privacy, last time i link my dotabuff here, tons of bots scammers add me and send links in DM (cause i have some nice hats), is supper annoying