At the moment i have a 13700f and it looks like i have a cpu bottleneck with my current gpu (a 4090) and im not sure what would be the best option for upgrading since im also a bit flat on money now since i got my new gpu

Also im not sure if the prices here in my country are high but the 13900k is about 700 USD and the 14900k is about 800usd and the 14700k is about 500usd.

  • SnooPandas2964B
    10 months ago

    Oh I see. Sorry I missed that. Yeah I suppose a 14700k wouldn’t be a bad upgrade since you can still get pretty good money for your existing cpu. Your all core boost would go from 5.1 to 5.5. Thats something. But just so you know, it can be hard to get 100% utilization out of the 4090 on any cpu, especially at lower resolutions.