Who is this Despot who made this Behaviour Scoring System? We need some holy molly for this community.

My record is a 9 recommendation after a match - mostly i get 4 or more in a win and in a loss, more often than not, players of the enemy team give me the green. Why? Cause I love to save my mates! Dazzle, SD, IO, LC, Blinkstun boom - the moment I learned to time my spells and see the Reaper’s Scythe slashing nothing but thin air surounding my Disruption - I found my Drug. I constantly check my Minimap just to be the guy who portals mid in time, just to turn my mates face into a smiling sun. On the site I ward the map, smoke, stack and I’m good with some flamboyant hereos I can play.

We talking Turbo Mode here. Exclusivly atm. The Blackscreen/disconnect Bug in the Picking Phase, Blackholed my Behaviour Score to 3000k from 12k.

Stuck at 5800k - constant recommendation, nothing is changing. Lets play some Axe (WITHOUT BLINK). Why not? Its fun to me and its in Turbo mode. Big mistake I guess. People go craaaaaaazy. We win every game, I throw clarities around the club, the confused enemies cant handle this strange Axe. But my mates?? They know I’m a noob. REPORT HIM - NO BLINK NOOB. Playing this game since Dota1 and years ago historically killed Kuroky one time in our fountain in a Battlecup match. Nobody wins a TI and dies in my fountain. Damn he did…

2 or 3 games of Marathon Axe, running, helping - beeing me. Cant even talk to my team to tell them “hey we can still win, let’s help each other, we can do it - Invoker, love your sunstrikes! - that mek was clutch dude!!! - treat this lady like its your sister my friend”

Back to 5300 Behaviour Score. I cant even TECHNICALLY BEHAVE. I cant even /roll for pos5. A guy wanted to play a match with me, I couldnt WRITE HIM an answer!!!

MY drug is HELPING!! & crazy builds… And a room of geniuses who make more bank than I will ever be able to in my life, created this System.

RTZ i fell you - sitting here on my own cliff of dejection.

PS: https://mikedrawsdota.tumblr.com/ give this guy & his illustrations some love please! Love your Art Mike! :)

PS²: Gaben, how about some Millions and a new Laptop for my empty Bank account?, please? I just lost my mobile in the streets of reallife :( - Love you Gaben :)

EDIT: AAAAND down to 5130 :(

  • Husky-90B
    10 months ago

    No chat/ping but permanently reported for communication abuse?

    One question please, can someone explain to me how am I permanently reported for communication abuse if I don’t chat/ping/being toxic? It has been happening ever since the new update was released.

    I was 10K behavior score, then 11.3K when the new update released, and I have been stuck at ~7K behavior score in ONLY turbo mode. No chat, no ping, no throw, not toxic, no chatwheel. I just cant climb up. I do not know what to do.

    I do not fight for lanes; I have been the definition of a “good boy” and still hovering between 7.1k and 7.2k behavior score. I also notice that I play with same players most of the time.

    I say 1 word in at the start of the game just to test if I am still being reported for communication abuse and it never ever goes away. I win, I get reported by the enemy team because why not right? I lose, I probably get reported by my own team, because why not right?

    Something is not right here.

    Now, I know most of you will chime in here be like “bUt i aM 12K bEhAvIoR aNd dOnT hAvE tHis iSsUe.” Well, then I will say good for you but that does not mean it does not happen to others.

    Appreciate your understanding in advance, thanks!