I met a guy last night that had a lot of success cold DM’ing angel investors over Linked In. I was shocked that this actually works. If it worked for him, I figure it worked for many, so if it has worked for you in the past, share your template.

And if you don’t have a template, but have a sense for what cold outreach to investors is like, would you give me some feedback on my DM? I assume that we’ve already connected and that they are investing in our industry. As you will see, I need the help haha

Hi [investor], great to connect! I run [company, what we do…etc] and we are starting to grow.

I’m reaching out to discuss how you got involved with [company in our space] and see if there’s any interest in working with us as well!

Let me know if you have some availability this or next week.


Hi [Investor], I am reaching out because [affinities]. My company, [company name], is [one-liner]. We’re currently fundraising and I would love to get your feedback.

Then add some closing like “Best” or “Cheers.”