I keep blowing through vehicles and would appreciate suggestions on which vehicle may be my best chance.

I drive an average of 600 kilometers a day, 3500 per week. What I’d like to hear, from mechanics, is what SUV stands the best chance of lasting longest, under that worl load.

I have basically destroyed 2 Tiguans, a Rogue, and a Blazer in tye past 3 years. All bought new or very close to it.

I’m not super interested in maintenance tips, I stay on top of it the very best I can, I’m looking for the vehicle(s) that will provide me the best chance at reliability under my current workload and maintainable schedule.

I live on Canada’s east coast, money isn’t really a problem and I’m open to really any sized vehicle, other than very small ones.

There are other qualities that matter, reliability is number 1.

Thank you in advance.