As most of you are, I’m the family technician and have been dealing with an elderly family member that believes that he has a virus on his system that “Microsoft” found or that he actually won 14 million via a phone call. Dementia is involved which complicates matters five fold. Along with all the other legal matters and account issues involved I’m curious about ideas for better securing his system from the this group. Anyone hosting security for their family members?

    10 months ago

    This one is extra tricky… The simplest thing you can do is get them set up with a browser ad blocker, and it wouldn’t hurt to get a simple pihole setup going for them as well, or point DNS on their system to a similar service with malware filter

    I’m sure there are others out there with more expertise in this area, and there’s always more measures you can take, but that’s where I’d start to try and limit their exposure.