Do you think Luka will end his career with a few MVPs and FMVPs or is it more likely he goes down the harden route of being a great player, winning an MVP but never getting over the hump just because his competition was better. Imo I think he’ll end up similar to harden maybe with 2 MVPs but I don’t think he’ll win a chip, maybe he’ll get to a finals at one point. But if he ever leaves dallas, it’s up in the air cause if he teams up with another top 10 player they’re probably gonna win a chip. The guy I see being a multi time FMVP in this era is SGA just because I think his team has the potential to become really good and he would be the best player on that team. What are your guys thoughts?

  • 11x_devB
    10 months ago

    i think he’ll be like dirk, stay with mavs for his whole career, maybe wins a ring if lucky