Hi everybody, this is my first post here!

I’ve been playing League since start of 2021, mainly playing support enchanters.
Last season I’ve only touched ranked for few matches and got placed bronze 1.

This season i’ve decided only now to touch ranked, and so far the experience has been the worse ever.

After losing all of the five placement i got place to iron 4, climbed to iron 1, now i’m down to iron 3… but every match feels impossible to win, either my adc is a troll, inting and feeding or the other lanes gets demolished.

I’ll try to stay positive on matches and don’t int on daeds, objectives or other things… but the climb is impossible.

I play mostly Morg, Naut and i can play most enchanters, i need some advice on how to at least win some matches… i don’t know if i’m doing something wrong or its just bad luck, and try to do my best with visions, roaming and helping the other lanes and i keep myself informed mostly watching videos and guides.

Opgg is Westfall#8780,

Thank you for your help!

  • justPierreB
    10 months ago

    Playing enchanters to rank up in low elo is not the way to go. Play carry support like Brand, Senna or Xerath.

    Don’t rely on incompetent to do the job. Do it yourself.

    If they are here, there is a reason, they can’t climb either.