Hello, my SD Oled is not accepting any more power after reaching 75% charge. It is slowing down the speed to 0% and appears to go to passthrough mode.
I had it almost instantly swaped to 1TB SSD (discharged it prior to 20% and put the battery into storage mode) from my LCD Deck and altough I’m quite sure I have not broken anything physicaly I wonder if it can be somehow related.
Since discovering the issue I have done one full discharge to full charge cycle, tried factory reset as well as full re-image. None of it helped, deck still is only interested in accepting 75% charge.
The last thing that makes sense to try is to put the original 512GB drive back and see if it affects the charging situation at all, but I really struggle to imagine any scenario where it actually matters.
Do you have any ideas what went wrong and how can I fix it?
Seems to be SOLVED: It was related to battery storage mode which maybe acts differently on OLEDs and LCDs. After putting it again into storage mode for prolonged time it appears to work as intended now.
Did you have to switch back to 512gb?
No, just had to trigger that battery storage cycle.