I am being shit on by a drow+ogre, or luna lately. Most offlaners are melee. What do you pick vs (strong) ranged heroes combined with a beefy melee support (treant, ogre) or another spamming ranged sup (jakiro)?

  • taenyfan95B
    10 months ago

    Mess with creep equilibrium (creep aggro, pull sidecamp, cut wave etc) and don’t give them space to chase you down. Level abilities that clear creepwaves and use it to last hit + push. They can’t hit you if you have creep advantage. Gank mid/safelane and trick enemy supps into thinking laning phase is over. Midas, farm under tower and stack triangle if there’s nothing you can do.

  • dont_closeyoureyesB
    10 months ago

    ur 4 needs to out ms their duos and keep blocking small almost all the time if possible. if 4 has spell nuke, let him kill the range all the time. u on the other hand needs sustain such as bracer if enemy pokes spell, wraith band or ring protection if poke autos (depends ur hero). have ur range dies every time first once the wave interact. maintain the wave to meet front/close of ur tower. gets lvl, wait rotation from pos 2 or 5 (around night time) play around ur power spike spells from ur 2/4/5 ults. do it many times, then kick safe out of their lane.

    ur job as offlane is to get cs as much as u possibly can without dying against strong lanes. winning isn’t always option in every lane, that’s just cherry on top if u guys have strong lane or u did well or they blunder lots. or necessary against a strong players which needed them not to have good game.

    ur 4 secure ur lvl and tries to sustain u and keeps their 5 harassing as much as possible and not to eat ur xp.