I’m not talking about some minor scaling bonus, I’m not talking about giving him a scooter so he can move faster between top and bottom, I’m talking about really getting him that gym membership and some prime lifecoaching.

He gives a major reward but is significantly easier to kill than Tormentor, and Tormentor isn’t even that hard to kill either.

Getting debuffed by Phoenix so he only gets to melee TWO times over the entire fight, getting armor shredded and deleted, just getting bullied all around.

At this point he needs an outrageously large buff to come anywhere close to the overall power of heroes when they start going for him.

I don’t know, something in the realm of hitting heroes for a fairly large percentage of their health in pure damage on his melees to start with, and maybe something fun, like how about Roshan casts a random ability from heroes within a certain range of him with a lower chance for ultimates every like 5-10 seconds?

Bring an Ursa to Roshan? Roshan could cast Overpower or Enrage randomly, have a Shaker within his spellsteal range? Bad news bears if he casts an echo. Skeleton King is whacking Roshan? That’s great, but how about second Roshan?

And at this point, how about you just make him fully debuff immune, none of that reduced debuff effectiveness nonsense.

And for the lore freaks out there, idk, maybe Roshan went on a date with Rubick, and they had a brief stint together, it didn’t end up working out, and Roshan took a piece of Rubick with him, there, explained.

Right now, the ONLY dangerous thing about Roshan is that you put yourself in a tight space and get triple torrented into icewall meteor’d because you had no-one scouting outside the Rosh pit, Rosh itself is just an advanced piñata.

  • xorox11B
    11 months ago

    Give him a passive that grants extra armor per enemy within 900 range.

    Turn his AoE slam ability into root that applies disarm instead of slow.

    Give him a passive trait that reduces incoming damage from non-hero units by 75%.

    Give him an additional ability only available during day, something that gives miss chance to attackers.

    Give him an additional ability only available during night, something that applies fear in an AoE.

    When a hero enters the roshpit, Roshan occassionally grows in damage, size and attack speed until there is no one inside the pit, resets if no hero have entered the pit in the last 12 seconds.