Just came back to ow from taking a break since 2 launched and I started typing in text chat like any other game either complaining about what was happening in the game or just generally talking with the other team and only trash talking when I was trash talked first. Then after awhile I got my first text chat ban and I was like ok maybe I was cursing too much or something, played until I got unbanned and toned down on the cursing then the second text chat ban came when I hadn’t even been trash talking so I started to use only words like damn/ass words that are used in voice lines then I remember right after I said this game is ass the 3 days after the text chat ban lifted I got a suspension 11 days if I remember right and now after that got lifted I played while only typing gg after games until I was playing tank for two games and was just complaining about Orisa and how they needed to change her and how she was just an ace in the whole for anyone who didn’t want to try to be a good tank and now it’s a month I full on cussed other people out in ow1 and never got banned or text chat suspended but now I’m walking on eggshells trying to not get banned for saying an opinion so if anyone has any suggestions on how to be able to have a conversation with another player without the risk of getting suspended please tell me.

  • Solid_Exercise6697B
    10 months ago

    It sounds like the system works on a past basis. So let’s say before it took 10 reports in 1 month to get a mute, but then after that it might only take 2-3 reports the next month to activate the mute again. But it really does seem like once you get one mute, it’s a lot easier to get muted again. I’ve never been muted and while I’m not a trash talker I’ve definitely said worse than you claim to have done.