This is for my mother, who is an American Citizen who moved to Germany 30 years ago. I was talking to her recently and found out she never had a bank account here. She says it is not allowed for her as American citizen. She always either only handled matters in cash, and later through her husband’s bank account.

Now obviously, this can’t be the only option, since there are people from the US living, working etc. in Germany who do not happen to have a German husband who’s bank account they can use.

My question is: Which banks do you use? Do you have to fill out any extra forms? Is there anything else I need to know about the procedure?

(I know eg. that her small town bank doesn’t give her an account, but there must be some way for her to get her own “Konto”). I really want to help her be more independent from my father, and having her own bank account would be a first step.

Thank you in advance for your help!