Greetings all

I recently got into the NBA about 6 months ago but have been struggling to pick a team

After some thought and deliberation, I have developed an affinity towards the Clippers

Reasons including: I’m fond towards the state of California, love the highlights of the lob city clippers, I’m a big fan of kawhi too.

Anyways, I was hoping this sub could provide an insight into what I’m getting myself into, any details about the Clips’ I should know, and what the future beholds.

Thank you :)

  • FiveWrongChordsB
    10 months ago

    ta little cath up llob city as awesome, doc was really great for game 7

    everyone is is usually hurt.

    no matter how well the first half might go, 3rd quarter is gonna happen

    harden was hated until 2 (?) games ago when he hit +1 3 pointer, now i think they hate on westbrook?

    there is a good video of Zu playing by himself posted a few days ago

    right now i think they re trying to sign a 5’'11" 5 so we can play super small ball for more of the game.

    bev should come back

    mann can do no wrong.

    yea i think this is the year we win the whole fuckin thing