Hello, been a tank main since ow1 S3 and I have never considered dropping my mains more than right now due to bastion and mei. I have avoided comp since it feels like I’m just getting bullied even though I have a shit ton of hp and healing from my supports I can’t seem to survive no matter what I play. And if I play quick play and maybe build a quick grav or do well on tank the enemy instantly switches to bash and I’m as good as gone at the point. So, what I’m asking is. Fellow Tank players, how do you deal with this shit?

  • suguroryujiB
    10 months ago

    Im by no means a tank main but I enjoy the role from time to time and honestly what annoys me more than the enemy bullying you.

    Is your own team refusing to follow you and stand in a massive choke or poking the enemy while the team spawns and constantly getting picked off by a stray arrow or whatever.

  • Cerberus_WRB
    10 months ago

    I switched to Cass from Doom for now, I can’t put up with this bullshit no more.