I’ve browsed YouTube and Reddit for a bit but can’t seem to find a good place of where to start for research.

Some context: I’m 24 years old and working as a software developer from home. I’ve been given the green light from my manager/ceo etc (everyone is encouraging it before I start renting!). I’ve been looking at south east Asia specifically as someone in my company already works near by.

My ideal travel plan is as follows - stay out for 3 months visiting a country a month I believe this will let me settle down yet still give me time to explore (essentially 6-8 days in each country)

To begin with I’m trying to find a place in Bali (ideally Uluwatu as I want to learn surfing on the weekends). Although, I have no idea where to begin looking for accommodation with solid internet (6pm-1am) or even legal issue like visas, from my understanding they don’t care if you’re there on a travel visa for short term.

I’m sure I’m missing some key factors so any advice or stories of how you got started digital nomading would be greatly appreciated.


  • PineappleakiOPB
    10 months ago

    Oooo that is tempting, maybe in the summer it would be nice - I want to run to the southern hemisphere for the summer haha. Chose SEA because i like the time one difference and would want to visit Australia while I’m out (as a holiday)