This champion’s kit is the most overloaded thing I’ve ever seen in the entire history of League of Legends. And playing against that is not fun. Shield, engage, disengage, true damage, knockback, extreme mobility, ad damage, ap damage and other more ridiculous problems that this champion has to balance.
I’m tired of having to ban this every game to be able to have a decent game. Simply in his new build, he does hullbreakers and has ridiculous health + high damage and takes towers with extreme ease, requiring the entire team to go after him.
Not even tryndamere can be as annoying as yone, tryndamere any cc destroys him, he has a shield and mobility outside the reality of this game.
Playing against yone is one of the most anti-infun things in this game, it’s ridiculous how even with a bruiser build he can do so much damage and put so much pressure on the game like that. The champion literally does the work of 5 champions alone thanks to his ridiculous and unbalanced kit
Respect his Q3 and E, that’s simple.