Hey everyone. Happy Holiday’s. I was curious to hear any stories about small business owners that have depression on here.

I am a small business owner that has an online service business primarily helping other small local business owners in their cities get more traffic and customers. I also have depression and it’s not due to any situation, it’s just there.

For those of you that don’t have depression, I explain it other like a migraine, severe headache, or even a very bad upset stomach from eating something bad. You can either wait for it to pass (leaving you useless for a day or even days) or you can push through and try your hardest to make it work. (and just deal)

My depression can actually wipe me out. But because I have clients, I just push through to keep them successful.

I was just curious if there are any other small business owners here that that have depression, anxiety, or other mental illnesses? I know for me, it makes normal everyday business situations, that much harder. But I love what I do so I just push through.

Would love to hear any of your stories or how it impacts you. Thanks and I’m wishing you all good success as we get closer to the end of the year. May next year be even better :)

  • acatinasweaterB
    10 months ago

    It comes and goes. I have to remind myself what a mentor used to tell me when I needed to hear it: nobody is going to treat you any better than you treat yourself. When you need time, take it. When you need a doctor, go. The work will still be there once your needs are tended to.

    • musicfanatic85OPB
      10 months ago

      That’s amazing advice. Yeah mine is 70% there but 30% goes. So I get to come up for air once in a while. But that cloud follows me everywhere. I do take time for myself though and this is great advice.

  • cloverlaneshopB
    10 months ago

    Hey man! Just wanted to drop by and say you’re doing a great job pushing through for your business. It’s not easy, but keep moving forward!

    If you want a chat about absolutely anything, dont hesitate and reach out!

  • WebuyiphonesllcB
    10 months ago

    I empathize with the challenges you’re facing and the weight of depression. While it’s undoubtedly tough, introducing small, actionable changes can make a significant difference. Try spending some time outdoors, soaking up sunshine, and incorporating routine exercise into your day—simple yet effective ways to break free from the mental fog. I firmly believe that the words we choose shape our reality. Instead of reinforcing the feeling of depression, consider speaking positive affirmations to yourself. Embrace phrases like ‘I’m healing’ and ‘I’m getting better’ to cultivate a more optimistic mindset. Remember, progress often starts with these small, intentional steps!

    Hoping This comment helps you two out u/ikkinyarg & u/musicfanatic85

    • musicfanatic85OPB
      10 months ago

      This is great. I love the positive reinforcements. We definitely become who we’re around and what we tell ourselves. That is for sure!

  • Greedy-Bandicoot-784B
    10 months ago

    Two businesses that run 90% absentee. I don’t have enough work to do. I never seen a therapist or checked to get diagnosed for depression but sometimes I think I am. I struggle to get out of bed many days. I take too many naps. Struggle to keep myself busy, which makes me go crazy. I start to overthink. I crave for having a purpose. I want my time to feel valuable. I’m alone all the time. I see friends and do hobbies but it’s still not enough to keep my occupied. Even if I wanted to work more, I became bored of my business. I want something new. Currently trying to work on a new business to keep my busy and that’s lonely doing it alone as well.

    • musicfanatic85OPB
      10 months ago

      You have 2 businesses that run without out you 90%? If that’s what you mean, that is amazing. Congrats.

      Yeah the naps and lack of getting out of bed sounds like depression. That’s what happens to me. I love naps though. I’m in my 30’s and really love a nap. haha.

      Mindfulness helps with the overthinking. Mind chatter is the worst. Yeah I think it’s normal to become bored with business. I’m still trying to get to that next level in mine so I push everyday and study business a lot in general. But that’s how my brain works. Learn and learn and learn and learn. It’s amazing yet…exhausting.

      I completely relate to the loneliness though. Feel free to DM me anytime and thank you for sharing. You’ll get to that new place. Where you won’t be bored ever again.