What do you think is the overall monetary value to the esports organization of winning worlds? I know riot pays peanuts (445k) from the prize pool alone, and maybe a few million from skin sales, but the real value of winning worlds would probably be in the organization’s increase in valuation and brand recognition. I remember in an interview with Joe Marsh and Carlos (35:53), they stated that they would pay 20-30 million to guarantee a worlds win. I think it also depends on team, players and region. For example, I don’t think teams like DRX received much value as their players, asides from Deft, didn’t have a large fanbase backing them, and now that everyone left how much value did DRX actually gain? Of course their roster was probably also much cheaper than the normal worlds winning rosters. On the other hand teams like T1 or G2 can leverage worlds win much more.