Can’t link the tweet directly because Kyle Kuzma himself isn’t an approved account but here’s the link to his tweet:

Great look from the other face of Washington’s franchise, publicly supporting good guy Miles Bridges after all that he’s gone through recently (one felony count of causing harm to a parent of a child and two felony counts of child abuse)

  • Public-Product-1503B
    10 months ago

    Players always support players , I don’t think they really look into what happened most times . It’s like this eith sbythjng ; listened to old players defending hardens antics with a clear player bass view. They’re prob of the opinion they get dealt with false accusations or something . It’s shitty but it’s a brotherhood/a union looking out for each other . On the same time I’m conflicted because ultimately I do want to believe in redemption and using laws to rehabilitate folk over punitive punishment, so I don’t know what I think. Especially as bridges reportedly re offended. Anyway it’s not on the nba imo it’s on the judicial system ; feel tired of seeing this sub act like it’s Adam silvers fault