This is honestly just one example of the many things plaguing league of legends, but do we honestly think its okay for champs like this to build this way and do almost 60k damage in a 25 min game?
Yes my mid laner got ran over, yes she was fed but how is this healthy for the game. Can we go back to a time that every single freaking champ in existence didnt build heartsteel, or tank/bruiser in general?
I just wish riot would rework their items. Ive been playing since s3 and this is honestly the worst version of league i have ever played in. I cant be the only one who thinks this i wanna know you guys opinions on items and tanks one shotting your backlines while being near unkillable.
This kat was literally unkillable while one shotting everyone, she didnt even have BOTRK or Death’s dance until the final minutes of the game. So most of her damage came from heartsteel, titanic,and sunfire. this is just an abomination in my mind. I cant get over how unfun this game is to play in its current state.
Never once have i thought about quitting league until this season. its just so sad to see this game go in the shitter because the devs, and balance team cant do their job correctly.