Let’s start off on why I’m writing this. I’m frustrated with the players as a whole; After a long day of work/school You start the PC/Console, you queue up for ranked (Solo or in a Stack), and all goes well until WE lose.

When im solo i start off by observing my teammates, save my drone to help them out, give as many precise calls as i can… BUT . . . they are in a party of 4 so they cant hear me and as soon as i’m the last one alive then the reason we lost its because of ME; keep in mind that they only speak in game to insult me and back to the private party right after. Not 1 of them helped me out the entire match; no callouts/pings(red or yellow)/trades, Nothing.

When I’m in a 5 stack it is much more interesting. I start helping the team as much as possible from the very beginning, mid game some are frustrated and lash out at others, if we won the match then we go on to the next game but keep in mind that the morale always goes down match after match. When we get to the match that we take “The L” then you realize who you’ve been having on your team this entire time. Its always the player on the top of the board that lashes out at the guy at the bottom. Little does he know that all the kills he got is due to the team giving him the best calls and ‘pings’.

The current player base doesn’t know what teamwork is let alone what coordination means. They ban a map they “don’t like’’ yet we play for example ‘Coastline’ and they don’t even know where kitchen, VIP, or penthouse is located and god forbid you give a call of a room that is barely played. They pick an operator for its guns or nades and they don’t realize that the gadget itself is more valuable to the team than getting kills. Everyone is so focused on that “ACE” that they lose sight of what matters in order to get the WIN. People need to focus on why the TEAM lost instead of “finding better teammates”.

Teamwork/Coordination/Map Knowledge > Kills