Seeing the gg thread made me realize some people may find that antagonizing. I usually say it with good will in order to try and set the tone for the game or feel like it’s a friendly match but apparently a lot of people take gg as an insult so I’m curious if the situation is similar to glhf.
In OW? You get report for GG So don’t type anything report system in OW Is a mess shit…
If they don’t fully type it own then it means nothing to me because they don’t mean it enough to type it into words
I always reply with “No u”
As a kind of joking, you too, kinda response
I say glhf in start in every multiplayer I play and I really mean it. So not negative.
I don’t think so. It’s very nice to say glhf
Typed messages can always be taken in the wrong way, especially with some of the more toxic players of OW. I think people just assume everything from the enemy is meant sarcastically or in a negative tone. Personally I don’t really see a point in saying “good luck have fun”, but “good game” makes sense to me.
you’re supposed to report people who are having fun. it’s against TOS
I say glhf at the beginning of every game, don’t know why it’s just a habit now, and almost every game has someone who tells me to kill myself, calls me some form of slur, tell me the stfu or the most boring of people putting bldhf (bad luck don’t have fun, very creative and clever) and ‘Fun? In Overwatch?’ Which gets so repetitive and they always think they’ve completely ruined my game which they haven’t.
I don’t get why people do it but I guess it just comes with the territory in fact it’s so common that I’m surprised when someone responds positively. My method of dealing with them is usually completely ignoring them, however if they tell me to kill myself usually I’ll just put ‘I will <3’ and they shut up after a quick ‘good <3’ or something. But if they’re in a duo or really adamant in being toxic I’ll make sure to put ‘gr <3’ after every round regardless of result because that always gets on their nerves for some reason.
Who cares if people over analyze to think it’s negative. Just keep doing what you do.
That’s their problem. Let them explode in their easily offended selves.
I think anything that can be taken as non-negative in face value should not be honestly taken as sarcasm or snark without obvious context. If they said nothing to you except glhf and you think it’s negative, you need to reconsider your perspective.
Yeah, idk why people seem so cynical. It sucks the fun out of the game. Just don’t be a dick and take things at face value. I feel like people are searching for a way to blame their loss on some mean spirited ploy by the enemy team, as if feigned sportsmanship is such a big brain play that it causes a roll. Sometimes people who are better than you are nice, deal with it.
I think a huge part of the problem has been the change in the player base to f2p. We have so many casual rude assholes in the game it’s almost intolerable. Just because some games can be f2p doesn’t mean it isn’t works for overwatch.