For some reason Riot refuse to touch this champion even though Fiddle have had a 52-55% WR in emerald+ for the past 10 patches in a row.
But his pickrate is low! No, it’s not actually that low. In the last 10 patches in a row it’s been between 3,5 - 5% pickrate - which is not that bad for a jungler. It’s around the same as Evelyn, Maokai, Lillia, Rengar, Zac and so forth.
What I find odd is, that this has been an issue for 10 patches in a row. That is an absurdly long time for a champion to have a winrate above 52%.
What do you guys think?
All data is from Lolalytics.
120 AP on Zhonya’s + The new AP Item that interacts with your Ult is about to wreck your World Brother.
Riot rarely nerfs champs that have low popularity. Fiddle isn’t difficult to play, but does carry a unique playstyle, which adds to him flying under the radar. Fiddle has gone in and out of being strong/viable in like 4 different roles, yet his playrate never skyrockets. Even if he has a 55% wr, Riot never seems to care enough to nerf him effectively.