Hey! 💗 I’m a 32yr old female DOTA player ( yes I’m old asf leave me alone) and I’m just wondering if there’s any other women out there who wanna get together and play a couple games? I feel like it would be pretty fun to break the game and play in a 5 stack of women lmfao. ( Ranked or unranked) I’m Scottish so I think I play Europe west server? I’d need to log in to check lol. Oh and I only play support so if you play carry then let’s fuck shit up! 🎉

If you don’t wanna talk on this post cos of obvious reasons then DM me or add me on steam if you want!

Kushina™️ on steam!

Ty 💗

  • CoyotebruhB
    10 months ago

    32 isnt even middle age yet, people these days should stop worrying about age frfr, i (25m) play dota with my 54 yo coworker michael…shits great and nah, he’s still better than me at offlane