Hey! 💗 I’m a 32yr old female DOTA player ( yes I’m old asf leave me alone) and I’m just wondering if there’s any other women out there who wanna get together and play a couple games? I feel like it would be pretty fun to break the game and play in a 5 stack of women lmfao. ( Ranked or unranked) I’m Scottish so I think I play Europe west server? I’d need to log in to check lol. Oh and I only play support so if you play carry then let’s fuck shit up! 🎉

If you don’t wanna talk on this post cos of obvious reasons then DM me or add me on steam if you want!

Kushina™️ on steam!

Ty 💗

  • Papa_Mid_NiteB
    10 months ago

    Well you can go on Dota Valkyrie? It is a Discord server that is run and maintained but females and everyone is gender positive there.

    Also, 35 here my stack is 34 to 46 years old. So no worries, any one who tells you, you are too old to play games hit them in the face with your walker. 🥲😅 (Sorry for the dad joke but as a dad, I had to).

    • Rippling_OpheliahOPB
      10 months ago

      As a mum myself I can appreciate the dad jokes. Also I got a link to dota Valkyrie so gonna check it out! I also got an abundance of messages from girls so I played with some last night it was great! Feeling pretty good about this little girly 5 stack pipe dream of mine ☺️

      • Papa_Mid_NiteB
        10 months ago

        I am on a 2 guys, 3 girls stack. And our voice channel is literally a gold mine for content (Girls idea not mine, tbh) but we are all too busy and tired to start a YT channel! 😅😅😅 Good luck and have fun. Happy to hear you have found your people.