First things first I do like and enjoy this game. Gameplay, fighting or size and details of the city are fantastic. However there are some very big issues that honestly shouldn’t happen in project of this scale.

  1. Side content. Main story is epic and interesting. But side stuff is done with the lowest effort possible. Those additional missions and collectibles are laughable and pretty much the same as in 2018. That whole sandman crystal thing was supposed to be sad story of lost fatherhood but it’s just annoying instead. With random accidents in the city we get 4 or 5 same encounters over and over. Too many dialogues are done through the phone

  2. Kraven is so cliché. Another typical I’m so powerful and so bad, only to get his ass whopped by spider-dudes as usual

  3. Peter looks like Tom Holland from aliexpress

  4. Devs were bragging about graphics looking unreal and better than real life while in reality it’s the same as miles morales game with slightly better lighting or reflections here and there (still looks pretty good)

Honestly after 3 years in production with same engine and 70% of the city already done in previous games I’d expect much much more. It’s definitely not bad but it should be much better.

I wonder what you think about this

  • ArchDuckyB
    10 months ago

    You forgot about the rushed ending and missing content. After Peter loses the symbiote the game just rushed towards the finale. Just boss fight after boss fight with no real story. The end of that game just sucks.

    Also why wasn’t Miles a bigger part of the symbiote story? He was just not around for most of it. Just weird.