Now, the autumn same is here and 2 of my favourite SW games are in an affordable price. However i can only get one. These are my options:

Battlefront 2:

Pros: really enojyed playing it in PC and i know i will definitely come back to playing it over time

Cons: it says unsupported so i have no idea if it runs on Steam deck, if it runs properly or if it even shows steam controls.

Jedi: fallen order

Pros: i know it runs and i enjoyed the first quarter.

Cons: i really doubt I’ll play it again after finishing it.

Well, what do you think?

  • Rawr_MomB
    10 months ago

    When you say Battlefront 2 do you mean the modern one or the old PS2 one? The old one is pretty nice on deck but be prepared to dial in your stick / trackpad sensitivity. It doesn’t take well to playing on a joypad. Just some teething problems.