We had “/mute all” but some time ago it’s functionality was changed and it’s not the equivalent of “/fullmute all”. So both “/mute all” and “/fullmute all” do the same thing (mutes chat + pings + emotes).

There is only a command to mute pings specifically (“/mutepings all”).

Right now there is no command to mute chat specifically or emotes specifically, so there is no combination to mute everything except emotes.

So let’s say I want to mute only chat, or want to only mute chat + pings (because emotes are nice to have). In both cases I have to manually mute or unmute each player. There is an option to set chat to party only which effectively mutes chat but keeping it always on is not optimal and prevents you from sharing stuff like summoner spell cooldowns.

So having commands like “/mutechat all” and “/muteemotes all” would be pretty nice and shouldn’t take more than 1-2 hours to implement.

  • Even_Cardiologist810B
    1 year ago

    Tbh we have smth to remove ennemy emotes, If you play bot you cna mute your ally. For the est you’re fine ngl People only emote after kills or smth