Context: I started playing league a few days back at the insistence of a few of my friends who are fairly low ranked around bronze, they wanted me to join as a top lane filler in their 5 stack, I’ve been watching pro play for a few years now and gwen and aatrox rly appeal to me as possible options to start out on.
How realistic are these 2 as starting champs and if not, what will you guys recommend?
Garen or Malphite. Depending on what type of champion you prefer (fighter or tank), but these two are super easy to learn in toplane, and they are the best to learn the basics of wave control, rotations, clearing the wave, etc. Garen has good sustain, good wave clear, easy to learn how to farm with, easy to chase down, and is kind of tanky and is a champion that is very forgiving if you make mistakes. Start with Garen if you are new, you won’t be dissapòinted.
Alois?? X)
Play Irelia bro. Her kit is super easy, she is super straight forward, she wins most matchups top lane and is basically fullbuild at Vamp scepter. You will get high elo in no time with her !
Trust me she is one of the easiest champs in the game with no losing matchup according to Reddit at least.