Just something I personally noticed with the matchmaking is how night and day the matchmaking is on new accounts. Im not sure if this was changed, but I had an old, abandoned account, that I had to play on for a bit.

I decided to solo queue quick play and comp - this account VERY EASILY made it to Grand Master, and I believe also the top 250 in mystery hero comp (i play all characters). I was getting extremely competent teams, and some games were even steam-rolly in grand master… went on a solid 75% - 80% win rate i believe.

I dont know how the matchmaking works but it was so damn obvious that my old account with the max border is in some kind of different matchpool. Its glaringly obvious to the point where the account DOESN’T EVEN BACKFILL when I solo queue. This is a good thing, every game is fresh … the last time i backfilled in solo queue was actually months ago, and I play overwatch alot. But thats just a sign to me personally that their is some fidgety shit with this account, due to algorithms or something, i don’t know.

They should fix this. The last straw for me was getting matched with a complete nimrod who spent the whole match in match chat running their mouth. This dude then proceeded to get off the point in overtime (possibly accidently). The insecure weirdo then continues talking shit in chat like they didn’t just get off the point in overtime. I know for a fact that I would have not matched up with a level 1 endorsed weirdo if I logged into my new account. Its like the game throws my aged account the most incompetent people around my rank that they can find.

Like what is even the point of ranked when its so damn different and unfavourable between different accounts ?

TLDR: matchmaking needs to stop favoring new accounts.