This discourse has gotten old very quick. If you want someone to put this Bagent-Fields BS to bed with rationale and reason, read on - I’m that dude.

Just because some fans want to see more from Tyson Bagent before they crown him as the savior, they’re being labeled “Bagent haters.”

First off, there’s no such thing as a true Chicago Bears fan who is a “Bagent hater.” They are just rational fans who want a bigger sample size, and maybe they believe (with good reason) that Fields has been dealt a terrible hand by our organization before this year so they still believe in his talent and want to make sure Bagent can truly eclipse that talent weekly.

The Raiders played so shitty last Sunday that I didn’t learn a ton about Bagent other than he makes quick decisions and he’s capable of being a solid game manager.

It was impossible to learn more because the Raiders blow and Josh McDaniels is so up his own ass that he doesn’t realize that AARP member Brian Hoyer can’t lace Aidan O’Connell’s cleats whether it’s preseason or not.

Point is, routine game managers don’t get promoted to franchise QB status. That’s not how the NFL works in 2023. Hell, it didn’t work that way in 2009 when game managing savant Kyle Orton was here either. That’s why we dealt him for Cutler.

Can Bagent earn that franchise status? Sure! But why the hell would I bank on that right now? It makes no sense without more evidence.

I want to see Bagent go deep when it’s available and stretch the field to keep the defense honest. I want to see Bagent face in-game adversity and see how he responds. I want to see how well he can move the offense down the field if our run game gets stuffed. I want to see if he can win the game off his arm or legs or both when the defense allows 24+ points like they did for 14 straight games with Fields at the helm until a few weeks ago.

Why is there something wrong with that…? If Bagent aces those tests, I’m all in on QB1 Bagent! But if he’s limited in certain regards, then that’s okay too. I think no matter what he will be a great backup for us long-term, which is extremely valuable.

This weird Civil War among the fanbase is silly as hell, when literally all of us can make the smartest, healthiest decision - to let it play out and see what happens.


  • potionnumber9B
    11 months ago

    This is exactly how I feel. Everytime bagent did something good last game all I saw on the game thread was “Fields Stans in shambles”. These people just want to argue on the Internet, I just want to have a group of people to be on this roller coaster of a season with. But right now the seats are filled with people puking on everyone.

    • pma198005B
      11 months ago

      At least the field stans gave Tyson some credit, Fields haters attack him even when he plays well

  • Perfect_Bird_5399B
    11 months ago

    I wanted to see Justin succeed so badly, but he’s had enough chances. He is literally hurting our team, making the OLine work twice as much, if not more, and demoralizing our receivers by not throwing the ball when they’re wide open. Personally, I don’t care how Bagent plays tomorrow, I wanna see what he can do for the rest of the season, before we draft a 1st round QB. Justin Fields is a bust, the sooner you all come to grips with this reality the sooner you can move on.

  • pma198005B
    11 months ago

    There is no civil war, just the idiotic Fields haters that will not accept any constructive criticism of Tyson. He managed a game like a backup quarterback should do. Now let’s see him actually be the cause of the team winning

  • AppleKinh828B
    11 months ago

    Fields time in Chicago is done and good riddance!

    It is Bagent time!

  • TumTumMac24B
    11 months ago

    Can we not use the term civil war? The one we had was a race war north vs south basically fighting to keep black people slaves, using that in context of a white qb vs black one makes it awkward for me as a black male.

    It gives me a feeling about the situation I’m trying not to have.

    I don’t care who is at QB the issues with the team lie with the coaching staff and upper management, let’s get a discussion going about that so some of the younger fans realize that most of us have seen this same song and dance for 30+ years.

  • kenocadaB
    11 months ago

    What’s weird is people thinking this team should perform like they are in year 4 of a perfect five year rebuild. Reality is this team still has a looooong ways to go to be a contender. Had the #1 pick last year for a reason.

  • ParticularGlass1821B
    11 months ago

    Dude has started one game and played well for what he was asked to do which was 3 yard passes. I think the kid might be an OK qb2 in the league but not ready to anoint shit yet.