I have a few Playstation games that have been in my Steam wishlist - Spider-man, God of War, TLOU, etc. And I only really buy games during sales and after a few years of their release. I guess I don’t have much FOMO XD

However, I noticed that Playstation games don’t really go down much during sales and quite rare. For example, now with the Autumn Sale, most of them hover around $30-40 with the lowest I’ve seen Horizon Zero Dawn at ~$12 (which probably the least I’m interested at). I know that’s already cheap and it helps I guess that my region is usually cheaper but my ideal price is around $20 and lower. I guess I got spoiled because I got the Witcher trilogy at $14 back in 2016.

Any observation on how low they go and how long after release? Basing on Horizon, probably after 2 years it can go down to the $20 and below but I feel like it’s only because it has less demand and populatiry? The most interested at is Spider-man.