I think it is ridiculous how the NBA did not give any tangible regular season benefit to teams advancing in the IST. I think I actually hope that Nuggets win tonight but by not enough to grab a wild card spot. If they make it as a wildcard:

i) They would play on the road in the first round so might end up with fewer home games on the season than road games.

ii) Those qualifying are probably stronger than average teams so the strength of schedule is increased slightly.

iii) If make the championship game it is an entire extra game to play.

  • Level_Watercress1153B
    10 months ago

    I’m not a huge fan of the IST but tbh I don’t give a shit if they win it or not. It’ll be interesting to see the reaction and response from the league, the first time a super star gets injured on a legit contender and ruins their chances at a Championship during the IST, especially during the IST championship