There is no such thing as being “hard stuck” in your rank cause “bad teammates”

There are countless videos of streamers doing the climb, one tricking a hero often into games where the entire enemy team is running hard counters and still winning

There is a reason you are the rank that you are.

Yes there are games that are unwinnable but if you have the skills to play at a higher rank you will get there cause if your a higher skill than your rank than on average you should be winning.

Even if you have zero game sense you can climb to diamond with pure mechanical skill (landing key shots and abilities).

I have climbed from bronze to low gm several times here are my suggestions


Prioritize staying alive over getting kills

Prioritize the objective over getting kills (with exceptions)

Don’t justify your death by saying “well I killed the mercy so we traded” if your carrying the game you need to stay up it’s not an even trade

Stop forcing “carry plays” I see so many examples of people trying to be the hero and taking unfavorable fights sometimes it works out most of the time it doesn’t

Every duel assess quickly whether you have an advantage or disadvantage if your at a disadvantage stop fighting the duel (if possible)

Wait for your moment/opening the big clips you see of famous players popping off largely happen not only because they are mechanically skilled but mostly because they wait for the right moment

Track the cooldowns that shut you down the hardest and wait for them to come out before going in

Learn to aim most pro hitscan players play at 800 dpi 3.5-5 sensitivity (with exceptions on certain heros) which feels slow but theres a reason.

Counter-swapping yes it is a part of the game but it is also a crutch if you have to counterswap your essentially saying I need the ability/hero advantage in order to win instead of learning how to outplay it and deepining your understanding how to play the game

Counterswapping may help you in the short term and yes there are situations where it is necessary but its detrimental to your advancement in the long term

Dont use ultimates on a fight that’s already lost

Don’t use ultimates on a fight that your team has already won

Understand when a team fight is won/lost

Support players, tanks do not have rear view mirrors you can see the tank and where he is going he cannot see you it is not always the tanks fault that he isn’t LOSing you, you can move too/position to try to keep tank in los.

Coms: yes the community can be toxic but calling out targets can add an unbelievable amount of value and focus to the team

I’ve been playing since 2016 and not once have I ever seen being toxic/flaming a teamate improve the chances of winning

  • Solid_Exercise6697B
    10 months ago

    I agree. I used to play sojourn too aggressively, boost in and ult trying to get some kills thinking if I got 2 kills my teammates could finish the fight. I’ve now switched to prioritizing staying alive and the first time I did I went 5-0, haven’t done that once this season. I only take fights I initiate, as soon as someone starts shooting at me that I wasn’t aware of, boost away and survive. Come back and kill them on my terms. I was spending too much time ego fighting, thinking I could win every fight.

    I was averaging 8-9 deaths per 10 minute despite having a 2.6 KDA and a less than 50% win rate. Realistically you want no more than 4-5 deaths per 10 minutes to be effective, otherwise you are just feeding and spending too much time respawning and running. Staying alive, even if that means losing the objective or letting your tank die is the most important task to winning.