Running errands and dropped my iPhone getting back into my jeep but didn’t realize till I got to the next store. Immediately tried to ping my phone, no luck. Tried “find my” and saw it exactly where I was parked, as I was driving back I saw it moving so I called my wife and had her track my phone while my daughter called it.

So I’m driving like a bat out of hell trying to track down my phone, while wife is giving me turn by turn directions and daughter keeps trying to call and ping my phone from my iPad, still no answer. The phone stops moving at the McDonald’s drive thru and I pull up to atleast 15 cars in line. While I’m trying to decide what the most sane response to this is the guy answers my phone and I end up getting it back. He said he was bringing it to the police but the station is 3 km in the other direction so I call bullshit but doesn’t really matter since I now have my phone.

2 things, I thought it was an interesting answer to the question why do I want a cellular Apple Watch, this is a good example I suppose. Second thing I thought was interesting was I was on the line with my wife and my daughter was on a separate call with my phone, I know they are technically 2 different phone numbers but I found it interesting that both devices could be on separate calls.

Anyways got my phone back and my wife now thinks she the “Guy in the chair” to my Spider-Man, lol.