I think he is very talented in terms of dribbling and ball control but in recent times whenever former footballers are asked about future balon d or contenders,his name is always mentioned but he is 23 years of age now and still he is not a starter for man City ,his best position is up for debate(rw or advanced 8)and while he has put in some good performances for city I have not seen enough from him to say he will be a future balon d or contender consistently. He seems like Bernardo Silva level player to me which is a very good player but not a balon d or contender(consistently) player.He also resembles him in style quite a bit.

  • youraveragefailure12B
    1 year ago

    You just said hes like bernardo silva. That means he literally like top 15 ballers in the world. And that would be correct.

    So dumb question that you answered urslef lad.