Big MGS fan here, since 1998, i know the plot pretty well, however i skipped V cause it’s open world and i have issues with that, i like my games linear and straightforward.

So I’m replaying the series chronologically and I’m dreading that V is next, is it worth the 50+ hrs did you feel that it drags for too long?

I already have it in my steam library

  • JonnyNutzB
    1 年前

    Personally love it though it can very much drag specially if you get caught up in all the side missions and want to unlock everything

    It’s definitely not a sit down and smash it out game be prepared to be playing it for a while

    My advice if you’re a long time mgs fan then make your playstyle much Like you would with the older games and rather then think of it as one big area, think of it more like the mission areas are their own different levels