So it seems like the consensus is that our offense is the downfall of this team for hardly giving our defense the chance to rest. Our defense is holding their own considering how well they actually do play. I don’t see it that this team actually got any bit worse than last year, yet it seems as if we are having a tougher year. I’ll reiterate that, there’s no way this team got worse than last year. So seeing this as the case, what do we do better than last year and what do we do to fix this team in between the end of this season and before the beginning of next season?

  • _HGCentyB
    1 年前

    Adjustments this season (because firing everyone, drafting a new QB, OL, receivers etc doesn’t bear fruit until much later):

    • Establish a credible run game or at least improve run blocking so Geno can feed off play action.
    • More 2 or 3 TE sets. This might need to come at an expense of DK’s snaps because we don’t look good force feeding him.
    • Stop trying to make DK Moss happen. He’s not Megatron, he’s not Randy Moss. He can’t reliably catch contested 1 on 1 deep balls. He’s your guy in a two minute drill when opposition playing soft coverage to make quick zone reads (think more Travis Kelce than Randy Moss).
    • Attack the short middle more on 2nd downs and 3rd and short - stop with the home run attempts.
    • Ask Geno to scramble more and use his feet
    • Get Geno reps throwing the ball away if nothing is open

    And finally

    More Bobo.