I just spent 20 minutes trying to find the Apple TV remote. All the remote finder feature did was give vague signals on if the remote is nearby or far. Why has the TV been such an after thought for Apple? It’s also frustrating that I can’t set my soundbar as the default audio output.

  • JujulabeeB
    10 months ago

    I watch it in bed and keep it in a small bag along with other remotes and my iPhone so everything is reasonably together.

    I did actually “lose” it once and purchased a remote that I had couriered over from the Apple Store the same day. Since my Apple TV had the older remote, I wasn’t that mad about having the upgrade.

    About a month later, I was digging around in my “remote” bag and there was the original remote. It was so small and thin and lightweight that it had hidden in plain sight at the very bottom.