Hey all, hope this type of post is allowed. I bought some tickets to an upcoming Celtics game from Gametime, which has been a fairly reliable vendor for resold Red Sox/Bruins tickets for me in the past.

This time though, the tickets I received were through “secure.tickets” not Ticketmaster. The website looked like a weirdly similar redesign of the ticketmaster website. I’m able to access the tickets via the email that was sent to me from Gametime, but I don’t have the option to transfer them to my Ticketmaster account.

I saw a few reddit posts that shared the sentiment that the site looked sketchy but was actually legitimate.

What’s sort of concerning though is that this morning I got a text from an unknown number claiming to be Gametime with another secure.tickets link, which had a few spelling errors which set off some red flags. I didn’t respond or click the link. Has anyone else had a similar experience?