I’ve made the decision to move away from the US in the next 12months. I am working on applying for Germany citizenship by descent which can take 2-3years. In the meantime, I’ll move on a DN or freelance visa. I can’t decide where to go…

About me:

  • 30s, single, woman
  • Self employed in software engineering
  • I have a dog coming with :)
  • I only speak english fluently, but willing to invest in learning any language


  • a city
  • sunshine and seasons preferred, don’t mind snow
  • diversity, LGBTQ+ friendly
  • nice parks/outdoor spaces, and/or proximity to mountains or the ocean
  • arts and music scenes
  • reliable internet
  • around €2k/m for rent, 0-2beds

Countries I am considering, and I know can qualify for visas (in no particular order):

  • Netherlands (have visited)
  • France (have visited)
  • Spain
  • Portugal
  • Greece
  • Italy (have visited)
  • Germany (have visited, but I’m not sure I should move there while my application is being processed)

I have a couple cities in mind, but I’d like to know what the internet thinks… Open to hearing about cities outside my country list if they have freelance or DN visas. Thanks everyone :)