This is getting so ridiculous. Let them hang for eternity for fucks sake. It is cool, safer to land and if he hangs to long other team can push for 4v5 anyway.
Fucking refs and their need to be in spotlight.
Love the reaction from the lady in green and pink at :46 saying “Daaaaaamn”.
These refs suck hanging on the rim and celebrating are not techs
Horrible call, he only did that to balance himself.
Yeah go ahead and put all that strain on your shoulders
The funniest thing about this being emphasized is like, who TF asked for this? Not the fans? Not the coaches? Like was there a sizeable uptick in fights because a guy did a pull up on a rim? It’s such an arbitrarily stupid thing to enforce when there literally isn’t any point of it and could cause more injuries if players didn’t do it.