So like the title says I actually don’t dislike the concept of skill based matchmaking. Sure it’s fun to stomp on noobs every once in a while but it’s definitely not fun for them and in many cases will completely turn them off from the game. In theory SBMM eliminates this problem by making sure all players are on a somewhat even playing field.

The problem here is that thing we all love to hate: ping. In order to quickly match players of relatively even level of skill, many games will drag players from literally across the world into the same lobby just to abide by SBMM. This leads to the players with low ping having a massive advantage to those who are playing farther away from the server. Personally I’d rather get curbstomped on a server with low ping than be “even” in a lobby where my ping is in the 100s.

There’s also the problem that SBMM largely overestimates a player’s skill. The COD games in particular are rather notorious for putting average players into pro lobbies after they do well in a couple of casual games. I play Apex Legends a lot myself and I’ve definitely noticed that after I do well in a game I’ll be immediately launched into a lobby with some of the literal best players in the world. I’m good but holy shit not that good, please calm down mr. SBMM.

So yeah that’s my take. I’ve seen a lot of discourse around this lately and thought I’d throw in my two cents. Would love to hear your takes, of course!