I’ve heard it being used in several reviews and comments, most notably it’s column being removed from Crinacle’s database. I know it might generally deal with lower mids and higher bass, though I have no idea what it definitively is. I tried to find out what it is, but I couldn’t find any info other than mentions of it on several subreddits as well as Google. So what is note weight definitively, and why did Crinacle have a column for it in the first place, then neglect it and ultimately remove it?

  • OphanilB
    10 months ago

    Note weight is generally used to describe how substantial the note sounds to your ear. There’s a Cocteau Twins song called The Hollow Men and it opens up with a bass line that recedes into the background.

    On my 7hz Timeless the bass sounds pretty pleasing but a little thin, on my FH7 the bass has a much thicker, more distinct and meatier quality that literally feels heavier on your eardrum, that’s why they call it that.