Hello everyone. Sorry, I actually don’t know if this is the best place to ask this, so if anybody can point me to a better subreddit to ask this on, I would greatly appreciate it. I’m currently running a home Fedora Linux server that’s really just hosting Jellyfin though Docker containers for my own personal home use (as is no port-forwarding to make it available outside of my network). I’m also currently taking a team Java programming course as part of my college curriculum, and a few days ago I was away from my house but was sent an issue that I desperately needed to fix, and all I had was my work computer that would have tripped the IT alarms if I tried installing an IDE and the Jave JDK, so I literally had to code in freaking Notepad (not even Notepad++) without compiling it to check for errors and just hope for the best.

I don’t want to run into a situation like this again, but fortunately I found out that you can actually host a Visual Studio Code server where you have your IDE and JDK on your machine at home and access that from anywhere. The thing is, my parents are the ones who set up the router at our place and they don’t know the router’s login to even open ports. I could call the ISP and have them reset it, but my parents already think this whole self hosted server stuff is “foreign illegal witchcraft”, so if there’s something else I could do to make my server apps available outside of my network, I would much rather use that than. (It would be good to know in case I ever want to put it on a resume, too).

Specifically I would be using this docker container (it’s specifically for VSCodium, not VSCode, (no Microsoft telemetry)), and, again, this is on a Fedora server, so I would be using and managing it through Fedora’s web terminal and version of Yacht.

Any input is appreciated. Thank you in advance!