I used to be a shy noob who didn’t ask people to pay for 2 years. Fear of rejection held me back.

But when I started selling and faced my fears, magic happened! I’ve sold over $100k worth of contracts!

Rejection isn’t failure; it’s valuable feedback! It guides you to the right product and audience.

Examples from other founders:

  • A college dropout made a fake landing page to test a product. People paid! Then he actually built it & MADE $3m!!!
  • A YC solo founder made a fake demo on powerpoint. Got 5 paid LOIs in Enterprise. Raised $1.5m, built it, and got in YC!!
  • A Harvard founder said he can convert Figma -> React. Got 10 customers in 1 day. Fulfilled requests manually, then later, built a tool to actually automate Figma -> React. Raised 1m+

The goal? Find out if your value prop is worth it to customers. Don’t waste a year building something no one will pay for!

Watch more tips: Video Link (this helped me a lot)

Best of luck from founderscafe.io 😄